+256 414 531 135


Capacity To Deliver


Over the years, we have built a resilient and well-coordinated system of human and non-human resources that delivers our mandate with core focus on quality services while creating a cleaner, safer and sustainable environment.

Human Resources

We are an equal opportunity employer that complies with national and international labor laws and regulations. We have assembled a great team of staff that works to exceed clients’ expectations on assignments. Our people are well qualified, highly experienced and motivated young, intelligent professionals that love coming to work every day to provide client-centric solutions. They comprise among others, public health professionals, logisticians, engineers environmentalists, pharmacists, accountants and engineers. Our creed is team work and spirit. The recruitment process is transparent and adequately thought through to attract, remunerate and retain skill sets necessary for delivering our mandate. Staff benefit from personal development, social security and other motivational schemes necessary for quality human resources retention. A multi-disciplinary portfolio of consultants and experts is maintained on retainer to augment the team in circumstances where an assignment requires additional resources to those readily available to GLSL.

Licenses, Permits and Certifications

GLSL is a going concern, fully registered and compliant with legal and regulatory requirements. Among others, it is licensed by National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) to own and operate waste management facilities, transport and dispose waste according to best environment practices. We are certified for three standards of Quality Management System ISO-9001:2015, Environment Management System ISO-1400:2015 and Occupational Health and Safety Management System- ISO-OHSAS 18001:2007.

We are subjected to periodic audits both at peer and regulatory levels. We ensure transparent and accountable operations backed by an auditable trail of WM activities right from cradle to grave.

Infrastructure, Vehicles, Tools and Equipment

Infrastructure to support delivery of services comprises the GLSL Headquarters at Mawanda Road, Kampala, a vehicle parking yard, HCWM Plants in Iganga District (incineration) and Mbarara District (non-burn technology). A licensed sanitary landfill facility with integrated lagoon and leachate capture technology support other systems for end-waste disposal. This capacity is surged proportionate to various contract magnitudes.


Our periodically replenished fleet comprises licensed, fit-for-purpose and well maintained vehicles and equipment including among others, specialized vacuum truck (25,000 litres), honey suckers,dump trucks,refrigerated Box Body trucks, excavators, lift and hoist equipment. All are backed up by reliable  maintenance services providers and well trained operation crews.


Quality, Environment, Health and Safety (QEHS)

We run a well-developed, tested and implemented QEHS system comprising policy, procedures and leadership within the Management Team. Our professional QEHS team cascades knowledge to the field workforce, clients and communities we operate in.  Through use of the right mix of staff and equipment, effective management systems, clear performance targets and appropriate levels of monitoring, we safely provide quality services that conform to national and international standards.

Over 21 years’ professional Waste Management (WM) experience including in the Oil & Gas Sector.

We have accumulated knowledge and resources from 2+ decades of quality service provision.  With core competence in healthcare waste management, GLSL currently collects and safely disposes of healthcare waste from over 100 (one hundred) districts of Uganda. This level of coverage has enabled us develop efficiencies chiefly; resource mobilization, allocation and scheduling across a wide and often difficult geographical terrain.Since the dawn of oil and gas exploration in the country, we are a reliable provider of WM solutions to international oil companies. In the lead up to Uganda’s much anticipated first oil, we have not only horned our WM skills but also marshaled resource capabilities to meet the stringent services standards of the sector.

Other Competencies:

Belonging to reputable industry associations necessary for bench-marking on standards & international best practices; and

Enabling policies and manuals (key among others): Human Resource, Finance, Procurement, QEHS, Gender, National / Local Content and Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Clients

Over the 21+ years, we have served many reputable Clients across sectors including (but not limited to) the following: